A community is a group of people who agree to grow together
Simon Sinek
You are invited to join us whilst we continually explore the world around us at St. John's. Our dream together is continuing to build a school where all feel a sense of belonging, safety and success as learners.​
Prep Tours take place in Term 1
To enrol your child please complete an Application Form. Applications should also include your child's birth certificate, immunisation certificate and if applicable, Baptismal certificate. It may be necessary to show evidence of visa status. For children entering at a grade level other than prep, details of previous schooling must be provided.

First preference will be given to children of Catholic parents who are parishioners of Holy Family Parish, alongside school readiness. There are a wide range of article and texts available on starting school as a five year old, listed below are some helpful articles suggested by families.
Students of other Faiths will be considered for enrolment provided it does not result in the exclusion of Catholic students.
Following an interview, a letter of offer will be sent to the family. On its return, the family will be provided with information regarding foundation orientation days, foundation parent information night, uniform ordering and beginning of the year information.
St John’s does not accept full fee paying overseas students.